
Legal Notice / Disclaimer


1. Purpose
The homepage of ATS-Tanner Group and the information contained and referenced therein are intended for information purposes only.

2. Copyright
All reproduction, further transmission or other use of the information contained in this home page is prohibited. Any applications for permission to reproduce information contained in this homepage must be addressed to the ATS-Tanner Group Site Webmaster at info@ats-tanner.com.

3. Disclaimer
ATS-Tanner Group makes every effort to provide correct, up-to-date information in its homepage. However, ATS-Tanner Group does not assume any guarantees or promises concerning the accuracy, completeness, suitability etc. of the information contained or referenced in the homepage. Access and use of the homepage, as well as the information contained or referenced therein, is at the user's sole responsibility and at his/her own risk. Neither ATS-Tanner Group nor any person or company participating in the compiling, input or further transmission of the information contained in this homepage or other homepages referenced therein shall be liable in any manner whatsoever for damages arising from access, use or possible interferences during use, or from any errors or omissions in the content of the homepage.

Furthermore, ATS-Tanner Group is not responsible for any inappropriate, useless or unfavorable investments, expenditures or transactions with a loss arising from access, use or possible interferences during use of the homepage.

4. Reservations
The information in this homepage is neither to be considered as a binding offer, nor does it contain recommendations or instructions regarding the use of products and services of ATS-Tanner Group.

5. Data Protection
If personal data (e.g. name, address or email address) is collected in the homepage of ATS-Tanner Group, this shall, as a rule,  take place on a voluntary basis. Wherever possible, offers and services are provided without the need to disclose personal data.

We would draw your attention to the fact that data transmission on the Internet (e.g. email communication) can have security gaps. Consistent data protection against access by third parties is not possible.

We herewith specifically object to third party use of contact data that is published under the legal obligation to publish an imprint for the transmission of advertising and information material not expressly requested. The operators of this home page reserve the right to take legal action in the case of transmission of advertising material such as spam mails.

6. Amendments
ATS-Tanner Group reserves the right to amend the content of this homepage at any time for whatever reason and in any manner whatsoever without prior notice, in particular concerning the equipment, products, specifications, prices and/or availability mentioned therein.

ATS-Tanner Group declines all responsibility for any consequences arising from such amendments.

7. General Terms and Conditions
The General Terms and Conditions in their relevant version apply to any deliveries or services provided by ATS-Tanner Group or its subsidiaries.

8. Applicable Law
The contents and use of this homepage are subject to Swiss law in all aspects.